Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Home from the hospital.

Just after we got home, I laid Kate down on the bed and she was so awake. I took a lot of pictures. She just looks beautiful here.

I wanted to take pictures with the kids but they were so ready to go home on Sunday night that we decided to take them in the morning before Wade dropped Charlotte off at school. But crazy how things happen and you can't get what you want.

Wade finally went home on Sunday night from just being with me and Kate (kids were in bed with a babysitter at home) about 10:30 and at 11pm-5am Charlotte was awake. Of course she started to throw up all morning and then Jack woke up at 4:50. Poor Wade. He was praying for Jack to go back to sleep but Charlotte is the one that fell back asleep instead! So Wade had NO sleep for the night. I felt so guilty that I couldn't help him or Charlotte. It was really hard. But he was a trooper and still was able to help me at the hospital. Charlotte perked up and was her normal self by about 8:30am which was good for everyone. She isn't sick now. She does that sometimes where she just throws up in the night and by morning is okay. Of course she didn't go to school just in case she was but all is better now.

Anywho, so the above picture is just of us three before heading out of the hospital.

Lovely one of Kate ;) She was mad when we got her dressed in her take home outfit. I loved this when I picked it out for her. So Springy and beautiful! The socks were so big on her and they just wouldn't stay on!


Melodie said...

Love, love, love that 1st picture. She is just beautiful!

Eric and Jenny said...

Oh she is so beautiful, I just love that darling picture of her! I am so glad Charlotte is not sick, I was so sad for you when Lisa told me she had been sick in the night, that's the last thing anybody needs right after having a baby. Hope you are all doing well, can't wait to meet the little cutie!

Wendi said...

She is so ridiculously cute! Her eyes already look so blue at like 2 days old.

Crystal said...

kate wasn't even 7 pounds but she looks like she has cute fat cheeks - awesome. top pic is super cute.