Monday, April 19, 2010

Crepe Maker

This post is for Crystal. I got an AWESOME crepe maker for my birthday and we've been making crepes like crazy. It's been SO much fun and I recommend getting one :)

Hello crepe maker! Wait until it's hot...

Then dip dip dip!!! I wait about 3 or 4 sec...

Then lift up the crepe maker!

Set it down and it cooks literally in 25 sec. FAST!!

Fill your crepe with the toppings you desire! This one is with strawberry jam and cream in a can.

Then roll up your crepe and eat til your heart and stomach burst! :)


Mrs. Morty said...

OH MAN! Now I want a crepe party. Those were so fun, back in the day. Hope everything goes well for you and baby this weekend. Good Luck :)

The Warwicks said...

Wow that looks easy! Wonder if they sell them here?

Jen said...

Alright. I'm hungry now!

Melodie said...

Yum! My roommate had a crepe maker and would make us chocolate crepes with a chocolate mousse filling. It was so good. Now I'm craving crepes. Guess I'll have to make a drive up to your house.