Jack just melts my heart. This kid just smiles and makes you smile so big. He just turned 18 months on Saturday. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. This means he's going to Nursery at church. Oh heavens. It was beautiful. I could attend my meetings and go to YWs the whole way through. And he did fantastic! Some of the older kids were screaming their heads off and scared a few of the little nursery kids but he did great overall. He even helped clean up and throw things in the trash. He's really good at doing that at home too. Because big sister does it and he does everything she does. He also has been amazing during Sacrament mtg now that we've switched to 1pm church. I also sit in the middle pews and have the help from Lisa and her family but still! It's wonderful!!! I love it! I don't have to look up at Wade with a stern look on my face of annoyance dealing with kids by myself (I know selfish especially since it's just one hour...) and feel like I'm going to have a mental breakdown.
Last night, I made the nastiest lemon meringue pie. The meringue was awesome but we decided to try pudding in a box. um, no. Don't try it. SERIOUSLY. It looked so good and we sat down at took a bite and I was like, this is sick. And Wade took a bite and his face was HILARIOUS. He's like, it's rubber. Seriously. It WAS. The flavor was really good but the texture was sick and rubbery. ha ha ha. The funny part was we finally got Jack to take a bite just to see if he'd eat it and he put it in his mouth and immediately spat it out. You had to be there but we laughed so hard cause we knew it was rubbery and it was awesome to see Jack discovering the same horrid texture. Seriously funny.
Jack loves to tell you no, especially if he has to go to bed. No no no no and shake his head. He doesn't scream, he just tells you. And he LOVES to sing Popcorn popping on the Apricot tree and loves the actions. He tries them and it's so cute.
He loves people! He will say hi and wave to almost everyone. He loves my friends especially Nicki and Jen and will just go and sit on their laps and love to be held by them.
He still says "heppee" for Help me. Which probably sounds exactly like happy to everyone else. He says apple for the words apple and temple. Loves to say down when he means up.
He loves to drag the vacuum pipe around. It's his favorite thing. Crazy kid. Loves to make a mess. Seriously. I don't know a kid can be so messy. He makes messes every time he turns around and the kid is so messy eating but he's so picky at the same time! I don't get it!! But I love it.
He's still a Daddy's boy but he's starting to like me just a little more : ) I'm so proud of this kid. I can tell him to do something and generally he understands and does it. Quite a contrast compared to Charlotte (But she's doing phenomenal!!!).
There's so much more Jack can do and say but this is just a little taste of him. He's getting quite the personality and I love him so much! I'm so excited to have another girl in the family but I'm really happy that I still get to call Jack my baby boy. He's going to be spoiled by me and his sisters!!!
Wow!!... he is so cute (of oourse!!) Also is so grown-up looking! And I agree that he looks like his mother, but I can stll seehis dad in him, too... he has those Chandler eyes I think.
Glad he enjoyed nursery and glad Jessica enjoyed the day at church yesterday! That is a day of celebration when the little ones go to the nursery.
I love your background, too... I need to work on mine.
He's SO SO SO Darn cute! I just can't stand it!! We need to hang out again this weekend!! Hehe! I love that you did this post. I need to do posts like this more often so I can remember the things my kids are doing a certain ages. Love it!
He is a little boy! I'm already dreaming of the nursery miracle. Hooray it went so well for Jack.
He is so cute, I want to pick him up and cuddle him.
jack is so good looking. you should get him into baby modelling.
What a cutie!! I'm glad he did good in nursery. We've been counting down the days until Jason would be able to go. Then the Sunday he's officially legal, both him and Kaitlyn were sick. Sheesh!!
Enjoy these lovely weeks of being alone at church while you can pretty soon baby girl will be here! I can't imagine you making anything that was nasty, I bet I would still think it was delecious. I love that you give Wade stern looks in sacrament meeting because if I was in the same position I so would be doing the same thing to Eric!
He is so cute! And I love that he says down when he means up; I do the same thing when I am trying to figure out which way is right or left. I struggle with it, and I am a lot older than Jack.
No! He's growing up way too fast! What a handsome fella (now that sounds OLD)
Jack is soo adorable! I love the story about the lemon meringue pie. He really is so handsome!
He's getting so grown up! What an absolute doll...thanks for sharing some great stories!
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