Thursday, January 7, 2010


Truffles are an art with Lian. Seriously. She is an amazing cook and knows thousands of recipes by memory and they always turn out perfectly. I'm not exaggerating. Maybe the thousand number is a bit much--ha ha. But yeah. I'm not kidding. But her Mum and her sister, Crystal, are incredible cooks too. It runs in the genes. So I know Ryan and Elle are on their way. Wade is a great cook and I've learned a LOT from him and his sisters/mum since we've been married. (Mom, I learned a lot from you but didn't care to cook when I was younger. ha ha). Lian always makes Truffles at Christmas (am I getting that right??) and so for our Christmas Eve party Wade had to have them. I made them the year before but they were okay nothing special. So everyone got involved with the truffles and they turned out awesome! Thanks Lian, Ryan and Elle!! Oh and of course Charlotte too : D

Charlotte made one for herself and for Jack. It's pretty special.

TA DA! Here it is!! :)

Look how happy she is!!!! I love that smile.


Crystal said...

comments are as follows:
a) yes lian knows lots of memories by heart and is a good cook
b) the only good things i know how to cook are lian's recipes, so i don't think i count as a good cook
c) yes, lian always makes truffles at christmas
d) charlottes truffle is friggin hilarious ha hah ah ah ah ah a

Grannie said...

Wow... you went to a lot of work wrapping, decorating, cooking, etc.! It looks like fun!

Jen said...

I love Charlotte's truffle! It's ginormous and that GRIN of hers is PRICELESS!