Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wedding cake

I made another wedding cake again. For Dec. 18th. My mind was so consumed about this that we didn't get Christmas cards out til the 21st. I've decided to take a break from making them. A break of like 15 years. ha ha. It's so time consuming and frustrating and add that to watching your children and taking care of a house it's too much and not worth the money right now. I don't have a bakery so it's not like I can get away and make a mess somewhere else. But the bride wanted a german chocolate cake with the german filling showing on top. Her sister (who's in the ward) took the cake up to Preston where they added flowers. I heard they were pleased with it which makes me SO happy. I'm waiting for their pictures to come to add to my picture collection.


Wade said...

And I got to eat the test run that was made a couple of days before this one. So good.

Crystal said...

wow that is one MASSIVE cake, it looks yum

Unknown said...

That looks absolutely DELICIOUS!!! And I completely understand, my mother made wedding cakes all while were growing up (Saturday morning breakfast usually consisted of a bowl of cake shavings with milk). It was exhausting!!! However it is a very useful talent to have...just don't let anyone else know you have that talent. :)

Jay and Emily said...

Very nice! It looks delicious! Thank you so much for your gift. I wish we could have seen you!

Eric and Jenny said...

Beautiful cake!

You make me laugh with the curlers and putting them in your hair. Because sometimes I think the same thing I am always wondering how girls get such perfectly curled hair and I think maybe they put curlers in it but I am never brave enough to try it!

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Jen said...

PERFECTION!! Wouldn't expect anything less from ya Jess! GREAT JOB!