Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Day

Look! Santa came!!!! I think we need a bigger living room. Tight squeeze with two families!!

All the goods from Santa. I bet Mrs. Claus did all the wrapping. She did a REALLY good job, especially with all that pretty ribbon....; )

Charlotte had SO much fun putting out cookies and milk and a carrot for Rudolph the night before. She's sporting her new pjs she opened the night before. But I love how she's interested that the cookies are gone. It was so fun to see her so excited about Santa. She's really understanding so much and I'm just so happy. Jack really didn't care, that's why he's not in the pictures...

Charlotte loved investigating what was in this box. But it was to mom from dad. Sorry girl, that one is MINE. ha ha. Wade bought me a beautiful ROOM IN A BAG BEDDING SET! Seriously 24 pieces. I love it and think it looks beautiful! I just need to add in a beautiful headboard to match it...hint hint. Well, I can hint all I want. That room is tiny and there's no room for anything else. It's okay, I'm VERY patient. : D

Checking out Jack's stocking! I'm sure Santa would have put more presents with the stockings but it would have been just one giant present mess. He's a smart Santa.

Look at that face! So excited!!

Checking out one of her gifts. She loves that little "movie" thing. Just is pictures and push a button to get to the next one.

Charlotte kept asking everyday until Christmas about opening the presents but I think the advent calendars really helped her understand that she had to wait until a certain day to open them. She loved talking about reindeer and santa and snow and presents and candy canes and a lot of things she learned in school. It was SO much fun to see the excitement in her face. Really made Christmas that much more special. I think Jack enjoyed it too but don't know since he wasn't too interested with the presents after awhile. I'm sure he'll catch on real fast next year. It was a wonderful day to see their faces light up. Oh, I got from Wade an awesome makeup kit, room in a bag bedding set, and lots of needed kitchen utensils. I got Wade some shirts, tie rack, 2 DVDs and a few other things that I can't think of right now. It was fun! We got some beautiful things from Wade's sisters--New Zealand dipping bowls (shaped as the country of New Zealand) and cookie cutters that are of New Zealand and the Kiwi Bird. And we especially love the beautiful NZ books that Crystal gave the kids. They are really special so they are out of reach and only read with mom and dad. I don't want them ruined. Thank you! And of course, Ma and Grandpa Ardern gave them lots of clothes, a toy each and new church shoes. And we received money that we put towards a temple picture from them. THANK YOU. My parents gave the kids their special ornaments. I think they're beautiful. And of course, thank you mom and dad for your gifts. We love them!!!


Crystal said...

finally - have been waiting to see some pics of your christmas : ) looks like so much fun and lots of prezzies. Your family has a new PJ on christmas tradition aye? I think that is cool, I'm gonna do that when we have kids.

Jen said...

How fun!! It all looks so perfect. You even put out carrots! You guys are so fun and cute! I just love it all!