Monday, January 4, 2010

Charlotte's Christmas Program

December 18th, Charlotte had a Christmas program at her school. All the kids dressed up in their Christmas best and showed off their songs they learned and of course had story time and sat on Santa's lap! They even got a book from him. How nice! It was a fun little day with crafts and treats at the end. They had a few gifts for the parents (ornaments they each made) along with stockings for each child. Charlotte had a wonderful time and just watching her was the best part of all. She really got to understand what Christmas was this year (especially thanks to the school) and I look forward to her getting more and more excited each year for Christmas.

Don't let this look fool you...she really had a great time with Santa. Especially getting her present.

Jack was the only kid who cried! And there were lots of them....poor guy.

Charlotte's class sang Christmas Bells, Jingle Bells and Must Be Santa. They even learned to play bells!! My heart melt the first song the class did (The above video--Christmas Bells). Charlotte was singing along so loud and proud. I balled my eyes out. You can hear her really loud in the 2nd verse. In fact, I was about to burst into tears again watching this video. I'm so proud of her. She's doing so well. She loooooves to sing too. She sings Jingle Bells all the time and really fast! You should hear her in church too. I need to video the Jingle Bells. One day before Christmas, the doorbell rang and Charlotte went up with Wade to answer the door thinking it was Christmas goodies and she sang "Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle all the way, HEY!" really really fast and over and over and over til they got to the door. But it wasn't someone dropping by goodies. Lame. ha ha.

She was SO cute ringing her own little bell. Properly waiting for her turn and then know how to stop the bell from ringing. They told us they had originally given her two bells but she rang them so hard she would fall over.

Charlotte singing Jingle Bells!


Crystal said...

she gets so excited when it is her turn to ring the bell that was crack up : )

Devin & Nikki Choules said...

Oh I LOVE my SB kids! So cute. Jack is so big now. He does not even look like a baby!

The Hague's said...

I love it!! I must admit I was crying watching her sing that day...She did amazing.

Jay and Emily said...

So cute! I especially love the video of her ringing her bell. I love her dress too.

Wendi said...

That is really ridiculously cute and funny! She is one amazing bell ringer.

Kendra said...

She is so cute! I was afraid to let Tori see Santa...I think that she would have thrown a terrible fit! Ha ha ha!

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, that is so cute. I don't know what it is about these, but they are so precious they seriously brought tears to my eyes. So cute!