Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wish I was here....

Raglan Beach in New Zealand. Here's Wade holding Charlotte when she was about 4 months old. Isn't it beautiful there? Only 30 minutes by car from TempleView.


Jen said...

I wish I was there too! That was one of my most favorite spots!!

Rebecca said...

Close your eyes, click your heals together 3 times, and say, "there's no place like home."

deliverygirlnz said...

Theres no place like home.....ok I am there already Jess!! It really IS just down the road for me still.

Wow, great photos you add and Im not sure if you have taken up modelling- but Wade better hang on to you, you are looking beautiful!!!

And Becky HAS to be your sister?? There are some shared 'pretty' genes in there for sure!!

Not sure if Wade has kept in touch with the college in Templview but it has been in the paper lately I think regarding its closure and decisions to demolish the school etc completely and go back to farm land. Kinda sad to see such a community go- not sure where all those pupils will go.

I guess they will be 'absorbed' into other high schools but they are all so big already in Hamilton.

Anyhow, time for bed here now. If you ever 'need' cadburys over there and if it is legal, let me know and I will post you some- as long as I dont get arrested haha!!

Cya Denise

Jessica said...

Yes, Denise! Please send 20 bars of Black Forest and one of Roasted Almond...that's for Wade! lol. You're so kind! America loves NZ chocolate so you'd never get in trouble for sending it! he he.
And yep, that's my sister. She came to visit last weekend. It was great to see her.
As far as CCNZ, it's sad to hear they will tear it down. I kinda hope that they'll find some loophole and can't do it but in reality we know that is not going to happen. They say the government (I'm pretty sure it's not just a rumor) is going to build a character school for mormons? Just down the street (to the right of the church) on Foster Road. So that will be neat if they could do that too. Not the same, but close to it I think.
McDonald's is playing the Monopoly game and we're trying to win 100,000 dollars so we can come to NZ!!! he he. So far, we're really not doing well. Dreams are free, right?
Hope the weather is good and you get to enjoy Raglan. I sure am jealous!!