Monday, October 6, 2008

I've been Tagged! I don't know if I'm doing it right...

Okay, so I was tagged by Jender Bender. I've never done one of these and hope it turns out right!!! Apparently there are rules...I'm never a rule breaker but hmmm, we'll see if I tag others. ha ha. So here it goes:

Here are the rules
1. Link to the person who tagged you and list these rules on your post.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, by leaving their names, as well as links to their blogs.
4. Comment to the people you've tagged and let them know they've been tagged

1. Whenever I cook, I have to have the kitchen cleaned first. I get so frustrated if it's not clean so I clean it up. If I was better it would be spic-n-span the whole day through!!!

2. More cleaning...if I have anyone over to visit (planned) whether friends or therapists I HAVE to clean the house. I am so embarassed if it's dirty and don't want to deal with that guilt.

3. I only had one ticket in my driving career so far...a parking ticket! It was outside the seminary building. I got it because I was parked more than 1 foot away from the curb. It was $5. I was so embarassed and it was hard to tell my mom. I'm sure she laughed and thought it was funny.

4. I have a hard time killing insects. I feel so guilty when I do. The other day, I just grabbed Jack to feed him on the couch and I saw Charlotte crawling/walking to me. And I looked at the floor cause something moved and I saw a spider bigger than the size of a quarter! It was hideous. I freaked. I grabbed Charlotte put her on the couch and then grabbed a wet wipe and put it on top of the spider. I knew it would eventually escape so I looked around and found a shoe. I seriously was shaking. I stomped it several was dead. I told the spider I was sorry and that it was between him and my kids. And I said my kids come first. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it. Weird, I'm like 30 billion times bigger than it and I was scared of it. Scared of killing it too. It's a living thing and I don't want to hurt anything!

5. My mom taught me to say the alphabet backwards....I can say it pretty fast! But not as fast as my mom. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba. There...can't type as fast as I say it though!

6. Been on two archaeological digs. Both in Escalante, Utah. Studied artifacts from a dig with Wade in San Cristobal de las casas, Chiapas, Mexico. We analyzed human burials....including 13 human remains...I've got the pictures and wigged out feelings to go along with it! We were in Mexico for 2 months.

7. Scared to death to fly on planes. And NO, I will NEVER fly in a little plane. I don't want a death sentence.

So, if you want to do this and I tag you....then go ahead. No pressure if you don't want to! I'm not good at playing games, am I? hehe.

Mel, Rebecca, Julie (Pest), Elle (via Lian), Amy, Emily, Madison, and London. Okay so the rule is 7 but I put 8....anyone else can do it too. See, I'm a rule breaker NOW!


Jen said...

LOL! Jess, you did it perfectly! I didn't think you had the links, but when I put my mouse on there, I realize that you did. I just do my links a separate color, so that's why I was confused! NOT SAYING TO DO YOURS a separate color, I'm just a momo!

Thanks for playing! I LOVED reading this! I laughed so hard at the apologizing to the spider after killing him. You crack me up. Oh and the whole ticket for 5$. You're a riot! I'm gonna have to hear you do the alphabet thing!

Jessica said...

zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba...yeah, guess you have to hear me. not the same reading it! he he

Jen said...

LOL! Jess, you crack me up!!!

I love the new background!!

Rebecca said...

I never learned the alphabet backwards. And you are a clean freak like me -- except I feel like I'm super cluttered right now.

Rebecca said...

You have flown to New Zealand how many times? Do you have to take Valium?

Jessica said...

No, I pretend I'm "brave" and things like turbulence doesn't bother me. So I guess I'm not as afraid as I let on to be!!! ha ha. But at the same time....after 4 hours on a kind of get bored and not worried anymore!