Monday, October 13, 2008

Kendra and Tori came!

So, I didn't get a picture of Kendra. I'm so spacey!! It's carried on after the pregnancy. So sad. But anyway, Kendra and Tori came up to visit us today. She gave us this ADORABLE outfit with a red/gray/black argyle vest. (I need to take a picture of it!) I hope Jack fits it (but it looks big!) so he can wear it for pictures this week. But anywho, Kendra is a dear friend who I've known since jr. high. We were in 7th grade homeroom together and have been friends ever since!! She is an amazing and kind person and a fantastic mother. Tori is an angel and a dream child. All she needs is her giraffe blanket and she goes straight to sleep! I'm not kidding. Wish Charlotte could do that....But Tori is so cute and has the most adorable personality. Full of life and giggles. I had to rush at the end to go to the dentist and I hope Kendra forgives me for doing that. I should have just cancelled but like I said, i'm spacey. But we had a great time together and hope that we can get together again, soon!! Thanks Kendra!
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Rebecca said...

Did you have your root canal? I just went to the dentist and I'm cavity free! Again! Jason called my teeth indestructible!

Jen said...

I love Jack's cute outfit! It's so darn cute!!

Kendra said...

Wow! I need all your pictures!!! I will send you mine! I can't believe that we forgot to take pictures of us! Oh time. Don't worry about leaving early! I barely missed traffic...which was my plan the whole time! Sorry about your root canal...that sucks! We need to play again soon and maybe this time we can plan a weekend so we can all play! Thanks Jess!

Jessica said...

Man, I can't believe you've got great teeth! I've got okay teeth...thought I had it great. But then there's no flouride up here too. That's part of it I think. Root canal is now scheduled for Oct. 27th. I'm freakin' scared. I was hoping it was tmj cause my jaw joint is killing me. Even right now! But it's like a 1/2 mm from the nerve (the filling/crown) so need to get one eventually. I hate being such a wuss.

Jessica said...

Sweet! A whole weekend sounds awesome!!! Thanks for coming Kendra!