Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I hate my toes but...

Girls camp was all last week and each day we tried to go up for a few hours. Hard to go up the whole time when you nurse a baby and have little ones but it was SO fun going. When we went up on Thursday, the girls were giving pedicures. So Charlotte had hers done and then she wanted to do my toes. So this is all Charlotte. She's an artist! he he. It was so fun to let her do it. It's a pretty color...dark green!!! :)


Lora said...

Wow, Jess. You are such a good mom! I don't think that I would ever let Livy near a bottle of nail polish, let alone let her put it on my toes. Maybe, I should let her. She would have a blast. The question is, how long did you leave it there, before you either, cleaned it up a little, or redid it. ;)

Lora said...

All in all, she did a pretty darn good job covering the nails, she just extended it down the toe a bit so that you could enjoy that dark green color a little more. More is better, right??

Jessica said...

ha ha ha ha Lora! Yeah, I took it off the next day. They did it just before dinner so I figured I'll just fix it up in the morning. Like I'm going to church with those toes.
I'm sure Olivia will do a fantastic job!! Charlotte wanted to do my fingers er I mean fingernails but I let her do it with the clear color...maybe you should let her try it with that first. :)

Jen said...

LOL!!! See? BEST MOM EVER!! I love it!!!