Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Logan Airport Open House

We went to the Logan Airport for an open house on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Jack ALWAYS points out the airplanes to us. And sometimes, we don't even notice hearing one but he really does. He'll just say airplane and then it's like, yeah, there's an airplane. And Charlotte loves pointing them out too.
Here are just some random pictures of different planes.

Notice the cockpit to the left of Jack? Yeah, can you say tin can? Shoot. Your head isn't even covered in glass. Just a tiny little windshield. Freaky.

Look at this! She's almost as big as the plane. It's a toy plane for crying out loud!!

The plane the kids are sitting in is from the Utah State's Flight school. The student pilot who looked like he was 15 years old invited them to sit in the plane. I got talking to him and joked with him about dying in a plane. blah blah blah. Brave, brave soul. You couldn't even catch me dead in one of those things. Seriously. I was almost hyper-ventilating being so close to one. Well, I was in the inside. Had to put on a little bit of a brave face. Seriously. It's SMALLER than my bedroom. Who wants to be in something like that?!

Jack just loved being able to sit in the airplane. Wouldn't get out at the end. And that kid is STRONG. He loves to put up a fight. That's for sure!


Kimberley Farthing said...

way cute photos/kiddies! Those planes are so flippin small, its pretty crazy. Looks like it was a fun day :)

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

That looks so fun! You sure have some cutie pa-tooties! How did you find out about it? I would love to take my kids sometime...

Jay and Emily said...

You should have seen the planes Jay trained in. Two people barely fit inside, it is crazy! They had some really cool airplanes there. I think it's fun Jack loves planes so much, maybe he will become a pilot! :)

Crystal said...

geez jack looks like wade