Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Charlotte's Preschool Program

The school year ended on June 3rd for Charlotte! Summer school begins on June 21st so we've got three weeks of fun ahead of us. :)
She had so much fun at her end of school year program! Her class sang some songs and acted out the Three Little Pigs. And Charlotte was so cute as the pig who made her house out of sticks! I have some videos of it and will post it on Facebook since blogger will not upload my videos anymore. GRRR. But that's okay. It was awesome. She's done so well. I always say this but she really has. She's been singing so much lately...her top two that she sings is the Alphabet and Old McDonald Had a Farm.

Jack was so good during the program. He just watched and played around. And this is what he gave me when I told him to smile. I just love this kid!! Kate was awesome too. Slept the whole time!! :)

Here's Charlotte as a little pig. She's so cute!


Jay and Emily said...

I love the picture of Jack! Charlotte is so cute. I am so happy with all of her progress. You guys are amazing parents!

Wendi said...

How fun! Charlotte looks so tall and skinny next to those planes.