Thursday, April 2, 2009

I got a little wave from Jack the other week and was glad I caught it on video! He's really good at it now. I just love how cute he is! Please, please, please excuse the high pitched hi from me in the background. I find it irritating and didn't realize how silly I sound!! he he


Eric and Jenny said...

Cute little Jack that was so darling the other day in class when he waved, he is just getting so big all of a sudden, less and less like a baby. I love the pictures of Charlotte with the makeup, that is so cute, I can just see her getting all excited about that. Maybe next her baby will be wearing some mascara!

Jen said...

So CUTE! We need to hang out soon! It's been forever! ;) But really, we shall! Doing anything fun for your b-day weekend?

Rebecca said...

Oh, I just want to eat him up! He's so delicious . . . I mean adorable . . . cute thing . . . I miss him!

I've been lookin' at your crafty blog links -- think I'll attempt a few projects over the next week -- you know, keep the kids busy over spring break . . . another week off, yeah!

Jessica said...

Becky, what are you going to do with the kids? I'm excited to see. I love looking those blogs. There's tons and tons of good ideas on them!!!
And don't worry soon several months you'll have a cute baby you'll want to eat up too!!! I bet you can't wait!