Thursday, April 2, 2009

I know these are blurry but I can't get Charlotte to look at our stupid camera if the flash is on. Oh well. But you get the gist of this. I was getting ready for church on sunday and charlotte kept coming in. She was so intrigued by me putting on makeup. Of course I pretended to put some on her and she thought it was so fun. Anyway, after church I'm busy and Wade comes home and I think, it's quiet. Well, I realize Charlotte was in the bathroom! he he. So I go and take a look with the camera and this is what I found. Naughty girl!! But I thought it was so funny.


Jen said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed SO hard at both of the videos! The first one where you realize the damage to the makeup was worse that you originally thought and then the second one. . . SO FUNNY! I love how dainty she is applying it to her eyelids. She's a crack up!

Rachel said...

that is sooo cute...she really doesn't do a bad job of application..she knows how to handle the eyeshadow brush well. You got a girly girl :)