Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter/My birthday

This is probably the 4th or 5th time that I remember celebrating Easter on my birthday. It's fun cause you get more prezzies : ) he he. I totally forgot to get photos of the kids in their Easter outfits. But Wade picked out the cutest polka dot dress for Charlotte and I tried forever finding a cute vest outfit for Jack. Finally found one at Old Navy. He looks like a cute little golfer. Will have to try and remember to take photos this Sunday. Charlotte loved getting her Easter basket. Jack had fun looking at all the stuff but really, doesn't mean anything yet to him! he he. He got a few matchbox cars but Charlotte's decided that she wanted them even though she got a few things like a bubble stick, sidewalk chalk, etc. Oh well. Jack will get them back someday. Then we had an Easter Egg hunt a little while after we got home from Church. Charlotte's had great practice this last week or so from school. She loved getting the eggs.

I love this picture of Jack. He had just woken up and looked so out of it. he he

For my birthday, Charlotte gave me some chocolate covered cinnamon bears and Jack gave me some Yellow Gerbera Daisy's...my most 2nd favorite flower. And Wade gave me tulips which are my most favorite flower of all!!! Wade also gave me an already paid haircut/color for a present. There's a girl in our Ward who is absolutely amazing at cutting/coloring hair and I'm so excited to get my hair done again! I will definitely post about that : )

So Wade had made me waffles for breakfast and I wanted a nice roast for dinner. We had roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, rolls and cauliflower with cheese sauce. This was my b-day cake...thank you Sam's Club. I was going to have Wade make me a cheesecake but decided I wanted that for Mother's Day. My most favorite dessert is from Olive Garden...Black Tie Mousse Cake. YUMMY. And Wade had a taste of this cake one day visiting Sam's Club and said it tasted very similar. So I decided to go for it. It was absolutely delicious. Quite a close second to Olive Garden's. And we ended the night with the movie Hitch. Thanks for the best day ever, Wade! Even though I hate getting older-you always make me feel special : )


Kendra said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS! Sorry things have been a little crazy here...or I would have remembered! Before I head to the land of potatoes I want to hangout again! I will call you soon when things get a little less hectic! Ha!

Eric and Jenny said...

I'm sorry Jess I totally didn't realize it was your birthday this week, Happy late Birthday! I am so glad you had a good one, your flowers are gorgeous, I bet that just made your day!

Crystal said...

hey looks like you had a good birthday and easter. Is it an american tradition to get easter presents/outfits as well as eggs, or just something your family used to do?

the clothes looked really cute.

David and Amy said...

Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see how your hair turns out, that is such a fun present! Charlotte's Easter dress is the cutest I've ever seen!

The Chandler Family said...

Looks like your day was great (good job Wade) Yummy food and flowers. I love how you set out the Easter outfits! Trust me it's easier to take a pic of the outfit without the kid in it, I'm trying that next year!

Jen said...

How fun! I absolutely love the outfits you got for the kids! They are adorable!! And all the food and presents sound wonderful! Sounds like you had a great b-day, YAY! I'm so glad you have such a fabulous hubby who treats you like the amazing woman, wife and mother that you are!

The Warwicks said...

I can't believe how long Charlotte's hair is!! So cute. And I love the sleepy picture of Jack - he looks so cuddly.