Monday, April 13, 2009

Hot cross buns

I've never made hot cross buns before but Wade always had them growing up for Easter. So I got the recipe from Lian, Wade's sister. And they were absolutely divine! I didn't have any raisins and they don't sell mixed spice up here so I need to make another batch to see what they are like with a little bit of nutmeg and raisins. But they were beautiful nonetheless. The glaze is an amazing sugar/water/gelatine concoction. Thanks for the recipe Lian : )


Jen said...

Those look deliciously perfect!!!

BTW- your new header is adorable! What program do you use again? I think it's one that's not compatible with Mac's huh? DARN!

Eric and Jenny said...

Those do look delecious, so pretty!

Kay I love your header at the top of your blog, you will have to tell me how you did it, it looks so springy and cute, I just love it!

Wendi said...

How do you get the crosses in them? Those look so crazy. I have never seen Hot Cross Buns in my life, only chanted the little song.

Crystal said...

sam would have liked your hot x buns cause he hates raisins ha ha. man i never knew american's didnt do hot cross buns! Must be a british thing?? Do you remember Bakers delight? They had 250,000 hot x buns ready for the day before good friday. that's crazy, considering every supermarket etc is makign them too.

and who knew america didn't do good friday?! crazy.

The Chandler Family said...

yummy...if I could make a roll that wasn't hard as a rock, I would try them