Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fun things going on with Jack

1. Jack has learned to wave.
2. Jack has started to clap!
3. He rolls everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE!
4. He can sit up unassisted.
5. He will shake his head back and forth...especially when you do it first. The copy thing is so much fun!
6. He loves Mango ice-cream.
7. He can eat small pieces of dinner rolls.
8. He loves to eat Cheerios too.
9. Not so keen on the baby food as much as big people food.
10. He misses his mommy in the night so much he has to wake up more often. awwww.
11. He loves it when you pat his mouth so he can hear the neat sounds that he can make.
12. He likes to say hi dad.
13. He freaks out when Dad comes home from work. He jumps up and down, shreiks and let's Dad know he wants a big cuddle.
14. He's learning to say the nnnnn sound.
15. He just loves Charlotte. Especially when she plays with him which is all the time.
16. He is a beautiful, happy boy!


Jen said...

What a cute little guy! He's growing up so fast!! Love him!

The Warwicks said...

Jack is growing up too fast! Tell him to stop til you get to New Zealand!!! We're missing out on too much...can't wait to met this little man - he's so cute!

Melodie said...

Wow, he's doing great! Jason's just now beginning to clap.

Crystal said...

JACK! there are going to be big fights over who gets to hold you when you get here

Eric and Jenny said...

I love both these posts, what a sweetheart Jack is missing his mommy so much at night, how special for both of you, I am sure your loving it, ha ha! Sweet, sweet kids!

Jenn said...

I just loved reading about the latest with your kids, they sure are adorable!