1. He gives me cuddles.
2. He reads books to me.
3. He takes me to Sam's Club and Macey's because we get to eat free samples/cookies together.
4. He doesn't get sad when I am clingy for mom.
5. He let's me change the DVDs a billion times in 10 min.
6. He always says that he loves me.
7. He makes me really good breakfast.
8. He tries to include me in his activities whenever he can.
9. He takes me to Primary every Sunday.
10. He makes me laugh.
My Dad is the best Dad because:
1. He's my most favorite parent. I'm a daddy's boy.
2. Taught me to climb up the stairs. Yes. It's true. Mom found me halfway up the stairs yesterday and then a few stairs from the bottom today. I think I scared her to death. But can't complain cause Dad showed me how. : )
3. He always feeds me dinner.
4. Thinks it's funny to feed me formula in a sippy straw cup.
5. Gives me the best cuddles and makes me laugh all the time!
6. Let's me sit with him on the couch or LoveSac and just play with toys or read books.
7. I can get him to hold me all day if I scream if handed to mom. Mom's tried to pry me away but I'm a strong baby!
8. He sings to me.
9. He takes me on rides on his shoulders.
10. He gives me attention and tells me he loves me all the time.
Thanks babe! You are too kind.
those are cool as photos of wade and the kids. AHHHHHH we get to meet jack next week! can't freakin wait.
p.s - so weird that fathers day is a different date over here
The picture of Wade holding Jack is so sweet. Happy Father's Day Wade!
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest post ever!!! I love all the pictures and the reasons your kids love their daddy!
This was such a cute post Jess, I just loved it. Wade seems like such a great dad, such cute lists from the kids. I am glad you all had a wonderful day!
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