Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Diaper obsession.

So Charlotte seems to have this obsession about diapers. She tells people through sign and verbally about the size 3 diaper that Jack wears and the size 5 diaper that she wears. I always try and have her get me diapers when I need to change the kids because she loves getting them for me SO MUCH. There are two different designs for each size. And she makes sure she gets her favorite ones every time. The one with Mickey and Minnie reading a book for Jack and the one were they're holding balloons for Charlotte.
Well, this past weekend we decided to go a step up in size for Charlotte. We weren't sure about how she was going to react to the new diapers. Don't worry. She was freaking out with excitement. She wanted me to open the box when she saw them in her room. And lately she can't decide which new design she wants now...the one with balloons (new scene) or the one where Mickey and Minnie are riding bikes. She pulled down her shorts yesterday too and laid down to check out the new undies. She's a crack up!


Eric and Jenny said...

Thats so cute, it reminds me of Luke these days he loves getting his diapers and pajamas every night. I always laugh at his little legs running as fast as they can to beat Lance at the exciting game. I can just see Charlotte trying to decide which diaper she prefers, so cute!

Kendra said...

That is hillarious! What a cutie!

Jen said...

She is SO cute!!!!

Wendi said...

This is really quite funny. I opened a box of Huggies both size 1 that we bought from the same store and they were vastly different. We hadn't seen anything like them in the other box. I think I was more surprised than your sweet Charlotte.

Jay and Emily said...

That is HILARIOUS! She is so cute!