Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

Can I say spoiled? Wade seriously spoils me. I can't believe how lucky I am. He made me breakfast! I had wanted French Toast. He makes the best French Toast. But before this, he ran up to his seminary classroom 15 min. away to get a few things for my Sunday YWs lesson. Isn't he amazing to do that? He said he'd do it the night before but it was 1am and I didn't want him out at night that late. I was worried something might happen to him! He had set out a basket full of my most favorite foods in the morning! And also the kids each gave me a red rose and so did Wade. I loved it!!! I also chose to get THE cutest pair of red and white polka dot wedge shoes!! SERIOUSLY HOT! And a beautiful white wrap dress with ruffles on the hem. I forgot to take a picture AGAIN. But maybe this sunday I'll remember!!! Thanks for my dress and Shoes, Wade. I LOVE THEM! Rachel was here for part of mother's day and she helped me with the kids before church. We got to church and of course Charlotte was just loving Rachel there and Jack loved being held by her. The Primary children went up to sing for Mother's Day and it was Charlotte's first time. She was a little perplexed at the reason why all these kids go up and face everyone. Kinda funny. She stood right in front of me on the stand. You could only see her head. Then all of a sudden she lifts her doll up. All you could see was Charlotte's head and her doll's head. Then she thought everyone should see her doll so she sat it on the wall ledge in front of her. I was laughing so hard. It was SO FUNNY! I loved it. All these little things make me so happy. Got a bar of chocolate from the ward too. Mmmm. Charlotte ate most of it. She is a chocolate nut. Okay, I know. This is getting long! Oh well. It was MY DAY! Have to write about it. Anywho, came home. Wade was home a short while later and we had made Kecia's cheeseball for a change. It was SO delicious!!! I LOVED IT! We then went on a drive cause it was so nice and Charlotte was driving me up the wall (no pun there). Came back, had dinner and then had CHEESECAKE! It was SOOOOOOOOOO delicious. Wade made it. I wanted a plain one so we could put chocolate, caramel sauce and nuts on it!!! IT was AWESOME! I had a wonderful day. But it's because Wade and the kids made it wonderful.


Eric and Jenny said...

Allright definitely take a picture of the dress and shoes that sounds so darling and springy, I have to see it! I am so glad you had a wonderful day that story about the doll just kills me I can so picture that whole scene!

Anonymous said...

What a great Mother's Day! I love the story about Charlotte and the doll...seriously hilarious! And I totally want to see pics of the dress and shoes!

Melodie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day!

Jen said...

HOW WONDERFUL! You have a super hubby and such cute kids! Can't wait to see pics of the dress and shoes! That cake looks delicious!

Man, I'm so behind on blogging. Too much to do this week with anniversary, throwing a baby shower and planning a yw's lesson to mention a few. Breath, it will all be accomplished soon. Had to stop and read some blogs for a bit. . . someday I'll get a post up! LOL!

Jay and Emily said...

You are so lucky and you have the cutest family! It sounds like you had a fabulous day! You deserve it too! I want a piece of the cheese cake ... Mmmm ... it looks soo good!

Rebecca said...

The cheesecake does look good . . Jason and Olivia made me one from scratch -- with splenda instead of sugar -- it was so sweet of them. Happy you had a great day! I want to see a picture of the shoes and dress!