Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jack stats

Jack had his 6 month well visit yesterday. He is 27 in. long (90th %) and 16lbs 15 oz (35th%). We're not sure why his weight is like that. I mean, he's gained weight but he's dropping on the chart. The dr. isn't too worried about it...yet but he still looks healthy. He's battling a cold now along with me and Charlotte but he is just as cute as ever. He got his shots too. poor guy!
We're starting solids more and more and he's enjoying the vegetables more than fruit right now. That's good! Loves rice cereal too. That's my boy!


Melodie said...

Wow, so Jack and Jason are about the same size. He's so cute. I hope everybody in your family gets better soon!

Jen said...

So sorry you all are sick. He's too cute to get sick ;) Hope you all are better soon! :)

Jay and Emily said...

He is so cute! Hopefully you guys start feeling better.

Jen said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!