Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy #7 Anniversary to us!

The story of us.....short edition....
Wade and I met at BYU. He was taking pre-requisite classes for his Master's degree in Archaeology and I was taking my major classes in Archaeology. So we had about 5 classes together for Winter semester 2001. He came in late to our first class and had to take a spare seat somewhere in class (obviously ha ha). And looked around the classroom and saw me. So, he decided that he was going to sit next to me the next time. Well, I kind of thought he liked me after a few classes and I was uncomfortable about that. Not like I had anything against him but I didn't even know him! And I wasn't changing seats because that was my seat. Any relate to that? ha ha. He would try and talk to me and I would give him a short hello or other answer and go about my "business". That just really meant pretend to study or read the newspaper until class began. Anywho....there were about 6 or 8 of us that took these same 5 classes and we started to study together. So I got to know Wade...but as a friend. Then we had a required archaeology dig during Spring term 2001. And from there...it's history-sort of. Wade always teases me that I couldn't get away from. (Literally...we were stuck in Escalante) but we didn't start dating until we got home from our digs (he ended up going to Jordan, the country, halfway through the BYU dig) which was at the end of June, got engaged in September and married the following February.

Wade doesn't agree with me about this picture but I think it was one night out when we decided to get root beer floats at a restaurant. Wade paid for my treat and I didn't even realize it was only for me. I thought he paid for everyone. ha ha. A date maybe??? ha ha. I'm on the left in the white shirt.

So this was a camp scene on our dig. Dr. Janetski is holding the guitar. He performed a song called "Blue Eyes" and dedicated it to me from Wade. This was before anything happened between us...I was so embarassed. ha ha.

Our engagement photo.

Wedding photos:

Our anniversary:

Yesterday, February 9th, we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. How fast time flies. I still feel like it's only been a couple of years. Guess time flies when you're having fun! : ) It was a simple day but enjoyed each other and of course the kids company, too.
It was a bit traumatic at first. I accidentally syringed 2 oz of milk for Charlotte a bit too close to the previous dose. It made her throw up while at school. Although, she sort of wasn't acting herself after that. Kept throwing up. I was really worried because she wasn't sick and usually when she gets too much food...she recovers quite quickly. The day before she hit her head pretty hard on the staircase post. I mean really really hard. I was watching her to make sure she was okay all day on Sunday but she seemed fine. So I thought perhaps it was a post-concussive syndrome (same thing she got just before Jack was born) again. I was driving to see Wade after Charlotte's class because I couldn't get a hold of him due because he was teaching. Finally he rang by the time I was almost there. And at that point Charlotte was back to "herself". So I turned around and went home. I kept my eye on her, of course. The only thing that makes me wonder is she kept falling over and over again yesterday. She's got balance issues but the falling seemed to be more than usual. But she seemed okay. I still wonder if I did the wrong thing by not taking her in. But I don't want to be one of those people who see their child stub their toe and have to go into the dr. for fear of aids or something. You know? So yeah, that was the drama in the morning.
Anywho, I met Wade at school for a simple lunch and then after school we hung out. Then we went out to dinner at Olive Garden and had cake and ice-cream while we watched MacGyver. Aaaawww. So romantic! ; ) Wade gave me a cd and beautiful tulips (my favorite!) and I gave Wade MacGyver and something I made that told him 100 things that I love about him. Wade is the most incredible person. I am so grateful we have been married in the temple and will be together forever.


Crystal said...

cool post jess.

Anonymous said...

I think I took that picture in the restaurant! I remember that day well. It's hilarious that Wade paid for you and you were sitting on opposite ends of the table!

Happy Anniversary!

Kendra said...

Happy Anniversary Jess!

David and Amy said...

I love your story and all the pictures! Happy Seventh Anniversary!

Eric and Jenny said...

I love this post! Okay I had no idea you majored in archealogy? did I spell that right, that is so cool. I loved the pictures, of you guys as a new couple and your wedding pictures, you look beautiul! Happy anniversary, poor little Charlotte, I hope she is feeling better! We will see you guys tommorow!!

The Warwicks said...

Happy Anniversary...I still feel gutted every time I think about it that I didn't get to come to your wedding! :-(
I didn't know tuplips were your favourite! They are my favourite too. I've made Jonathan promise to take me to Holland one day to see all the tulips - you guys can come too!

Melodie said...

Awhhh ... how cute! Happy Anniversary!

The Chandler Family said...

That was a great post Jess...I can't believe how long it has been either! The tulips are soo pretty, my fave too. That is soo funny about him paying for you and you not knowing...you are sitting kinda far from him!! Hope Charlotte is okay...

Jay and Emily said...

Happy Anniversary Jessica!

Rebecca said...

I covet your wedding pictures! Congratulations, little Sis!

Jen said...

What a sweet post!!! You got a keeper! You guys are the PERFECT match!! Those Tulips are gorgeous! Glad you were able to go out! :)

Grannie said...

These are great pictures!! That brought brought a lot of memories to your mom and dad!! I remember the phone calls from the dig!!

deliverygirlnz said...

Hey Jess, funny how you get to know people in one vein - for us it was a professional relationship regarding Charlotte, and we never got around to talking about aspirations etc.!

Did not know about both of your passions for archeology- that was my aspiration too in younger days, then I got shallow at 15 and dropped it when I found out I couldnt take a hairdryer away on digs!!!! (Well it was the 80's and hair was BIG then!!!) Funny.

Gives us more to catch up on when we touch base back in NZ!

Enjoyed your posts. Do you realise that when the kids are grown you will have left them their history as a fantastic legacy thru this blog??
Well Done
