Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day prep...

I have tried to get ready for Valentine's Day for awhile in February but never really got around to it. A few of my things are in boxes in the garage when we packed up during our "for sale" time. Plus there were a few things too high to reach in a closet (and I forgot to remind Wade to help me get them down) so I wasn't too decorated this year. I hope I don't scar the kids for life because of it. ha ha. But I wanted them to enjoy what Valentine's Day was about so we made some hearts the week before and stuck them on the window. They had THE best time making them and decorating them. I love it. I am going to make Shamrocks with them for St. Patrick's Day now just because of how much they loved this activity. I did end up getting some cute projects that Charlotte made from school up on the doors in the house too so decorating turned out to be okay.

I know it's blurry but I love Jack's expression!

Jack was seriously posing for Wade in all these pictures. He was such a crack up.
I know...but this was the only good one of just Charlotte.

Posin' again!

They were SO excited to get their pictures taken with the hearts.

Yeah, I know. I'm not supposed to take a picture like this. But I don't care. They were SO proud of their hearts!!!


Jen said...

I LOVE THESE!! You are such a fun mom!! Jack's expression in that first picture almost made me pee myself! Seriously, he cracks me up!

Unknown said...

Cute!! The kids are soooooo cute! Of course they are MY grandkids so are cute! I love the rollers in Charlotte's hair.. and she speaks so clearly. I could hear the final "d" on "died"... Oh, also, is that george there on the floor? Poor George!