Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well, the Superbowl was Feb. 7th, right? ha ha. I don't even remember or care. How un-American! Nah! Growing up, we never watched t.v. on Sunday. NOTHING. So Superbowl was out. I didn't care about it then and frankly, I don't care about it now. Well, the ads are hilarious when you watch them on the internet and the food party sounds AWESOME. But that's about it. I would definitely go to one only for the food. If Wade was a football fan, I'm sure I'd be saying something totally different right now. But we're rugby fans. he he. Don't get me wrong. I like football. I like playing football (for fun) and I watched my high school team play and BYU play. Loved it. but other than that...could care less. But back to this post! Charlotte's teacher is from Indiana so I'm assuming that's where the Colts team is from (correct me please!) so in class, they learned to cheer for the Colts and wrote in their journals about the Colts. So the video below shows Charlotte cheering for the Colts and of course Jack caught on about it and did it too! It's so cute. And even now, everytime she looks in her journal, she yells Go Colts when it's the Colt's page. :)

When I talk about the fishy that died, well, about 2 weeks ago, two random students gave Wade fish they just bought from Walmart. Seriously random! So when he came home, Charlotte was SO excited to see those fish. So we went to Walmart and bought a tank and it came with rocks and leaves and food. We got the fish put in their new home. Charlotte fed the fish and Jack and Charlotte had a grand ole' time. Well, one week later, the white fish died. (One was white and the other was orange). So we told Charlotte the fish died and flushed it down the toilet. But this wasn't brand new to her. Shortly after returning to school from Christmas break, the class fish died. So we just copied what the teacher did. And Charlotte waved bye bye to the fish and that was that! It's kind of funny. She tells us the fishy died but no emotions. he he. But it was good.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE this video!! Charlotte is talking so incredibly well! I love how perfectly she says it all, especially "the fishy died". She says it so non-shalant! haha! And that Jack! Oh my, how he melts my heart! Your kids are just SO DANG CUTE!!