Okay, this is probably way too long for most of you but it's HILARIOUS! She just chased the ball the whole time. Always at the end of the pack. And she kept running up to us to give us a hug too. So funny!!! She was SO happy and loved every minute of it. I'm so glad we put her in the program. Oh and she kicked off the second half! I loved it!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Grandpa and Grandma Chandler
Charlotte update.
She's sleeping here!
Charlotte is doing fantastic. She still has black eyes and a small bruised goose egg on her forehead but is healing quite fast. We took her to the dr. for a checkup yesterday and he thought things were healing really good. Crazy to think that it's been a week since the fall and she's still battling the injury but she's back to herself. It breaks my heart to still see her like this!
Jack LOVES to scream. I can handle it...Wade...he can't! ha ha. He says it literally pierces his ears. So on Saturday afternoon, we went on a drive cause the kids were going crazy. Grandma came with us. Anywho, Jack was SCREAMING and I found Grandpa's stash of Red Vines in the car and gave them to Jack. He stopped immediately. And at the end of the drive this is what he looked like. Isn't he just cute?!! I LOVE IT!
I ran an "official" 5k on Saturday (We had numbers and microchips!!). Top of the Utah marathon/5k were happening that day. 3 other girls from my ward ran it too! It was fun to see them there. I ran it in 41:54...5 minutes faster than my previous 5k!! YAY. Wade and the kids and my parents were there to cheer me on at the finish line. I got to pick Charlotte up the last few feet and carried her across. So fun!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Charlotte's fall
Well, I'm sure a lot of you know by know that Charlotte fell down the stairs. I was in the bedroom talking with Wade and he was holding Jack. He turned and saw Charlotte falling and he screamed for me to go get her. I ran after her but by the time I was halfway down she already hit the stupid tile (not put in by us...but now we are going to replace it even though it's so expensive and haven't been able to yet). I grabbed her and I was in horror. I've never seen a goose-egg so HUGE. And by the time I grabbed her and brought her upstairs it was worse. It seriously stuck at least a 1/2 inch if not bigger and the size of a golf ball. I've heard awful stories in the media lately where the patient hit their head and never went in to get checked and ended up dying. So I was so freaked out that we went to the E.R. They immediately took her in and put her in a neck brace. Of course, Charlotte hated it. We got into a CT scan and the radiologist looked at it and found her neck and head were completely fine. WONDERFUL! But we had to wait to leave for Charlotte to get out of the sedation medication and then to also walk around to make sure nothing was dislocated, twisted, etc. She was able to watch Finding Nemo, her current favorite movie, and enjoy a popsicle. She also held her doll that had an I.V. too. It was cute. She wanted to get down after awhile and walked around. So the dr. and nurses thought that was great. They removed the I.V. and we were on our way. A short 2 hr visit. Well, I thought it was "short". So now, she's home from school, relaxing and trying to get rest. It's hard to see her injury. It looks sore but she can really pull of a beautiful, klingon look! ha ha. She's a trooper.
At the hospital:
The goose-egg is still noticeable but has really swollen up across the forhead. A lot different than when it first happened.
Look at her doll's arm. Ha ha.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I was fixing dinner yesterday when I turned around and found Jack in this drawer! I thought it was so cute. He and Charlotte love this drawer. It's the fun drawer...although nothing really exciting in it to me! Charlotte was unable to do this when she was younger so it's all new to me and I think it's so fun.
Charlotte wanted to get in too but that was quickly stopped! But had to be like Jack. They are playing more and more together. They'll go downstairs together and just play. I love it!!! I hope they become good, close friends.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Visiting Kim!!
Last week, Kim Farthing, Wade's cousin was here in Utah!!! We just LOVE KIM so much and had to see her. So we drove down to Draper and took her out to dinner to GoodWood Barbecue and then went to SLC to the Church History Museum. Believe it or not we had THE best time!!! The best part of the museum was the kids area and we got to try on costumes and color and pretend we were at the hospital giving care to newborns! ha ha. Here are just a few highlights of the museum! Thanks Kim. We miss you already. I don't even think you've landed yet in Brisbane, but come back soon. Tell the whole family to come! We just love you guys!
The Beautiful Salt Lake Temple.
Charlotte holding to the iron rod!
Jack's turn!
I'm SO sad these pictures of Charlotte in the costume came out blurry. I hate my camera!! She just loved being in it though. I think she even twirled a few times. It had sequins and everything!!! She looked SO CUTE!
Sad this is blurry too. Wade looks SO HANDSOME!! LOVE THE COSTUME! : )
Look! The promised land!
Aren't we perfect?!
Jack could NOT stop getting in and out of these chairs! It was so funny!!! One time he almost posed like George Costanza on Seinfeld...you know the one with the velvet couch? ha ha.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
So I decided to copy my sister in law Crystal's blog and post our NZ family pictures too. There were so many taken and just picked two to post. The photographer is really awesome although he doesn't do family photos. He's just one of the scenary type of guys (is that right Crystal??). Apparently he dislikes doing them but we all contributed to paying him for some photos. ha ha. I think his camera is too good because if you click on these photos, you can see my wrinkles, etc. Not happy about that. A lot of the pictures I look really funky in. And I don't know why. I'm thinking it's the blonde hair or the way I'm standing. I don't know but I always have a certain self-perception I look in photos and a lot of them didn't turn out the way I'm supposed to "look". I mean everyone else looks SO good and I look at me and I'm like, what happened!?! Why am I so odd looking?! Oh well. haha

But the spot the photographer picked was SO AWESOME! I love all the native NZ trees/bush around. And it's just so green. Yes, it's always green. It's paradise.

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