Thursday, March 25, 2010

Less than one month

I've got less than a month to go. 30 days. 36 weeks on Saturday. Blech. FOREVER. ha ha. I know it always goes fasts for everyone else who's not pregnant but I feel like I'm going to explode. There's no way I'm taking pictures of myself. I feel like poo so why??? No, I'm grateful that we're able to have this baby but it really does take a toll on you. I went to the dr. this morning and I'm dialated to a 2. Just like Jack! The baby is head down too. So all is well with this one. I just hope the time doesn't crawl right now. It has the last 3 weeks and I'm dying. No. I just feel miserable. I've got a really hurt hip and I didn't have it with the other two. It doesn't feel like the nerve or muscle either. It's the bone. It's not good. But I'm excited to start getting Charlotte's old things out and all dusted off and the clothes to be put in the dresser, etc. I want Charlotte to help and have her be excited too! I'm going to start that on Saturday after I'm done with this wedding cake...I know I know. I said I'll never do one again but I neglected to inform some of the people I've done cakes for that I don't do them anymore so don't pass on my name kind of thing but then when someone asks, it's SO hard to say no. So I'm going to make it VERY CLEAR I'm done. Especially with a new baby. It's alright though. The cake is going to be a lot less stressful since it's with fondant! Yeah!

Jack and Charlotte are doing AWESOME. Jack cracks me up all the time. Lately, when he falls over and gets an owie (owee???) he comes over and wants me to kiss it. This morning he hit his elbow while eating breakfast and he kept his arm raised until I came over to make it better. Makes me feel loved and it's so cute.
And for Charlotte, I think you'll be amazed at all the progress she's made. I'm so proud of her. She's such a good girl and is so loving (unless she's being a stinker. ha ha) and she just makes me happy.


Jay and Emily said...

Good luck with this last month. I sure hope your hip will stop bothering you. I bet you look cute! I know it's hard to feel cute, but I'm sure you look it!

Eric and Jenny said...

I feel your pain friend!

These last few weeks have been torture and to think I have still have three torturous weeks left, I want to scream! I agree no pictures from her on out of me either, nothing good comes from them I have decided. Though I am sure you look cute! I think you are lucky to already be dilated to a 2, I went on Tuesday and only at a 1. I will be thinking of you these next few weeks, we can do it!

Jenn said...

I totally know how you feel, sistah! Good luck with the last few weeks, it will be over before you know it! Wishing you a very fast and easy labor and delivery :)