Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cochlear Implant/Charlotte Update.

This is what a cochlear implant looks on the outside. Most of the kids in Charlotte's program has these and I'm quite used to what they look like. So I'm not worried about what it would be like for Charlotte. You get to choose between so many colors (for the device that looks like a hearing aid!) I'm excited for that : )

Okay, this is a little more complicated. This is what the implant is like inside of the person. I can't even describe what to think or to explain it. So just click here to find out more about cochlear implants. There are two MAIN companies for cochlear implants. There is a 3rd but not as common in America. We are looking into the Cochlear brand over the Bionic brand.
So as you can tell from the pictures above that we have decided to give Charlotte an implant. She is scheduled for June 5 to have it done and then "turned on" on the 25th. We leave for NZ on the 30th and we talked with the Dr. about it and he was totally confident there wasn't going to be any problems or anything if we go ahead with our scheduled holiday. We are waiting until June because the Dr. did say that if Charlotte had her hearing come back it would be within the first 4 months (information that was quite different when this first happened. We were told the first 10-14 days). He's the expert. He is one of the top 5 ENT surgeons in the nation so I believe him. So if that happened, we, of course, would cancel the surgery. He also said there is a risk with the facial nerve but he has never hit it...but that doesn't mean there's always a first. But he said the only time he's been in surgery where another surgeon had nicked the facial nerve. And that was before all the technology to show how close they are to the nerve. So even though we are really scared still, we are fully confident in Dr. Shelton's abilities. I was so glad this appt. went more smoothly and positive compared to the last appt. two years ago (Wade and the dr. got in a full on argument....)
Her hearing came back only a little bit. She pretty much only hears us call her name and that's about it. But she's adapted so well! She now knows the alphabet in sign and can sign for us different letters if we show her them. She knows 1-10 in sign and can tell us what number the sign is if we show her a number on something (we love doing this in Walmart with the aisle numbers or prices of food). She of course can sign her name too. A smart cookie! She's picking up sign language so fast! I love to see her learning more and more and understanding what we mean when we sign to her. Her new thing to sign to people besides a thumbs up and peace sign is the letter "x". ha ha. She's a crack up!


Crystal said...

Hi Jessica!

I'm so glad to hear Charlotte is picking up sign so quickly!

I wanted to drop in and let you know that Dr. Shelton is my sisters ENT and has been for years and years. He has done so many surgeries on my sisters ears and there has never been a problem or complication. He really is one of the best in the nation. You are in good hands.

My prayers are with you. We've been praying for Charlotte since Jen told us what happened and then about your accident. I'm so glad you were all okay.


Eric and Jenny said...

I am so glad the appointment went well with the surgeon it must have been such a relief after your last meeting with him. It's such a big deal you want to feel like everyone is on the same page for such a big decision in Charlotte's life. Jess you just amaze me how well you are handling all this and Charlotte too. Sorry about yesterday I had full intentions of coming and then my babysitter cancelled on me last minute. Saturday I leave for DC so it feels like forever away until I see you guys again. I bet it must have been pretty fun being just you guys, I was hoping Shalane was back for your sake! I wonder what happened?

Crystal said...

all sounding good guys : )

The Chandler Family said...

Thanks for all the info and keeping us posted on Charlotte. I'm glad the appt went well, we are still praying for you guys!

The Hague's said...

I'm glad your meeting went well with Dr. Shelton! He did an amazing job with Reagan... If you have any questions or concerns you can always talk to me. I know our situations are a little different but i understand what you are going through. Deciding on which brand was the hardest thing for us!

David and Amy said...

Thanks for the information! Charlotte is such a smarty, I'd love to see her signing "x" at people!

Dionne said...

Wow Jessica -- that's a lot of information -- thanks for sharing. Our prayers are still with you. . . and little kids signing is one of the greatest things ever. Good for you for teaching her all of that -- wish we could sign with her right now too:) Here's an ILY sign to her right now:)

Jen said...

Jess, you continue to be in our prayers. We love your family! Charlotte is the cutest little girl! She sure does crack me up with her peace sign and letter x. It was too too cute! She is such a smarty pants!

Jay and Emily said...

I'm so happy your appointment went so well. She is so cute! I would love to see her sign her name.

Kim Allen said...

Thanks for posting so much information. It's good to get an update on how Charolette is doing. I miss seeing you guys! You'll be in my prayers!

Kim Allen said...

Oh no I spelled Charlotte's name wrong, sorry I was typing on my phone and messed up. Ha ha

Grannie said...

Thanks for the info on the implant. She is always in our prayers and so are her doctors.