Friday, August 22, 2008

Just have to share with everyone that Charlotte climbed up the stairs by herself a few nights ago! We have to be behind her because she still loses her balance and may fall all the way down but we'll do that until she can finally be strong enough to have no supervision! We're so proud of her and she's very determined. She's been working on her crawling for a few weeks now. She's been able to go about 8 feet with a little break in the middle. She loves to stand and toddle along the couch and walls, etc. But her favorite thing of the week is to stand against the entertainment center and face you and then go into a somersault! She thinks it's the greatest thing in the world. Jack is doing great, getting bigger and bigger! He still sleeps all the time and loves to eat. Go figure! ha ha. Charlotte is extremely protective of Jack. The other day I ventured out to Walmart by myself and Charlotte started to whine/get upset when we pulled into a parking spot. And I didn't think anything of it and she was pointing at Jack and Jack's head was forward in his blanket. She was very upset until I readjusted his head. How sweet! And she has to make sure he's in the car or cart first before her so he's safe.
We're all adjusting to having two kids, and I'm adjusting to Wade being gone at work too! I take it one day at a time and each day is getting a little easier. But I'm looking forward to the weekends where he'll be able to help all day! ha ha.


Jen said...

Man, I'm SO BEHIND on all your posts, but I have sort of an excuse as I'm still on vacation. I need to respond to your email too... ANYWAYS, YAHOOOOO Charlotte! That makes me so excited for her! That is just so awesome. I love how protective she is of Jack. That is just adorable. Alright, I've got to get packing. . . we're headed home tomorrow :)

Jenn said...

You're doing it, Jess! Mommy of two, way to go! Congrats on Charlotte's milestones--how exciting! Life only gets easier and funner from here on out :) Miss ya, girl!

The Chandler Family said...

Yeah for Charlotte, she is doing so great! Those first few trips out are a little nerve wracking, but then you will be wondering why you worried about it so much!