Monday, August 18, 2008

Jack had his two week visit on Aug. 7, 2008. He now weighs 9lbs 5 oz....well, I'm sure he's more by now. And was 22 1/2 inches long. He grew two inches (subjective I know...but still!). He's growing out of his cute newborn clothes that friends gave us but still is little even though I know he's getting huge. It's so different from Charlotte since she was so little for so long. He's starting to lose his hair which makes me sad. But he's still got a lot of it! He's been such a joy to have. He just sleeps and eats! Doesn't cry much unless he wants to be held. And Charlotte is sooo good to him. She gives him kisses all the time. She is starting to be really clingy to me and wants to be held when she can scoot to the next room by herself. Kind of frustrating but typical behavior people say. Oh well. She's still a great child and couldn't ask for anything more.


Kendra said...

Wow! :) Jack is now taller than Tori! She still has a few pounds on him though! I love the pictures with Jack and Charlotte.

Rachel said...

Love the new pictures. Glad mom helped out lots with you. She loves naps herself :) You'll get the hang of you said getting into a normal routine. Congratulations again! you are a great mom, and Wade of course a great dad. But crazy that you have 2 children. It was just yesterday we were pretending to pick weeds at home! LOVE YA--RAch

Rachel said...

I mean "crazy" in a good way! :) i don't feel like i've gotten older...but i must have...i have tons of nieces and nephews now...maybe i'll join the motherhood club one day.....but for now..i'm enjoying my sleep.

Melodie said...

Sounds like Jason's 2 week appointment. He gained almost a pound and almost 2 inches too. They grow so quickly. Love the pictures, glad everything is going so well!