Friday, February 22, 2008

Well, we went to the dr. yesterday for a regular checkup and after about 30 min. of waiting in the room we asked how long it will be before the dr. comes. We were next but he had to go up and do an emergency d and c for someone it would be another 15-20 min. (He's the oncall dr. for Thursday). At this point, Charlotte was freaking out because she was so bored. I couldn't make her wait longer especially if it ended up being longer that 20 min. So we rescheduled but decided to make the appt. for 20 weeks when we get to have an ultrasound! So if all goes well, we'll be able to find out what we're having that day! we're exciting even though I'm a little bummed we didn't get to hear the heartbeat but things are good and we know things are okay. So wait for an announcement in two weeks! Yippeeee!!


Jen said...

I'm waiting at the edge of my seat for the announcement! I'm SO EXCITED!!!!

Rachel said...

Following the Chandler siblings so far its been Girl then BOY :) yes except for Bovie...but 3 out of 4 go Girl then Boy.

that was long!