Monday, February 18, 2008

Do you like it?

Well, my friend Jen updated the look of her blog and gave me a great blog site to use! So go to to look at the cute dozens of templates! I will keep checking it to see exactly what new ones Ashley comes up with. They're free too! So go on, take a look! It's so easy to use too. Now, I need to get onto getting new photos on the blog. Maybe I should actually take some. That would be helpful! Hope you all had a Happy Valentine's day and President's day!


The Chandler Family said...

I need to try that, they are so much cuter than the standard ones, I tried another site, but it was too complicated...I will call you if I need help!

Jen said...

THAT IS VERY CUTE, I LOVE IT!!! Funny, as that is one I almost used, but then a fellow blogger friend besides you had already picked it and Crystal had helped her make a header, so I thought I better not copy, lol. Like there's some rule, you can't have the same template? I'm such a dork! I like this one as it's so bright and cheery and makes me think of Easter coming and the sunny weather hopefully on it's way! I'm excited to see more pictures! YAY!