Monday, May 9, 2011

Kate stats!

The injury above Kate's eye happened in the bath. her eye caught the edge of the bath instead of her hands. Sad sad sad. :(

We had Kate's well child visit last Thursday, Cinco de Mayo! Ole!
Had her shots :(
But here are her stats:
Weight: 21 lbs 12 oz (59%)
Height: 31 cm (94%)
Still a tall and not too chubby girl!
She is signing eat, more and hot so far. Picking it up much faster. Screams when I put her in the cart or by herself in the stroller. Enjoys her new car seat! Still far from walking. Just needs her confidence I think. Loves to cruise everywhere so she's close but still far away. Loves loves loves baths and anything that involves splashing. Even if it's a dumped out Capri Sun... :/
Love her MORE AND MORE each day. Becoming such a happier baby.
Has 5 teeth and we didn't realize when she got her new one. YAY!
Just battled sinus infections, pink eyes, fever and sore throats with her. Phew. Here's to more healthy days!


Eric and Jenny said...

Love these sweet pictures Jess, she's a cutie!

kat said...

Such a beautiful girl!! LOVE the pics.

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

love this sweet girl!