Friday, January 30, 2015
Charlotte got baptized!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Here she is!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
What’s this? A blog post?!?
Let’s see. I don’t even know if I should try and catch up on everything. I have things to write about since last EASTERS. Holy moly. And yes, I said Easters. Nacho Libre, anyone? :)
The baby is growing and growing so I’m getting fatter and fatter. Yippeee. Is it June 4th, yet? Seriously? This pregnancy has gone by SO fast until Jan 16. That’s when we found out what we were having…and now, I seriously think that February (which, you know the shortest month ever!!) is crawling. What the heck?! Come on people! Let’s get this thing going! We don’t have a name yet…but we are narrowing it down. I think there are 6 or 7 on our list but truthfully, there are 2 maybe 3 that are consistently talked about. I have one specific name in mind but Wade is the one unsure. Actually, I’ve got one but there’s a close 2nd. Ahhh. Naming the baby is the hardest! I’m still learning Tahitian dancing. It’s a lot of fun. And holy cow, I’m uncoordinated and I dance like a white person. But oh well. It’s so worth it!!! I’m also teaching piano. I’ve got 3 students, and I’m adding another one in March! So fun! They are all so talented and excited for them to learn.
Wade is still the bishop. I know, shocker. hahahaha. Does so much for our little family.

Charlotte! She is doing so WELL in school! I’m so proud of her. She is reading! Yes, she is! And not only is she reading, but her kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Roghaar, says she’s up there with the advanced group. She’s in the group D books which means the next level is called RED level which is what 1st graders are reading. And that’s our goal to get Charlotte doing before school ends in May. She LOVES school. This is also her last year at Sound Beginnings. She’s been in the preschool since it formed in 2007 and now she will graduate from there! You will be amazed at how much she says. She’ll talk your ear off. And I love that! And I just started teaching her piano. I guess technically she’s my 5th student. It’s going SLOW. And I’m purposely going slow. She’s quite young to start but she’s really eager to learn so might as well work on it. She also is taking Hula and LOOOOVES it. I know she wants to take ballet but I don't know where to find a cheap, community class just so she can enjoy it. Any Loganites know?? :)
Jack! Oh Jack! He’s a crack up. :) He is still in the awful 3’s right now (which isn't as bad as it used to be), but he is such a fun boy to be around. He’s so SWEET and KIND and trying to help. And he says the funniest things. The other day he told me the baby’s in my bones. And instead of “motorbike” or “motorcycle” it’s a noodlebike. Oh and if you’re in walmart, he’ll say “WAAAAIT a minute!!!! Hey mom, wait!! Looooook at this!!” and it’s a completely random thing. And he does it every 2 feet. It’s quite hilarious. Just not at the time. hahaha. He always tells us he loves us. All the time. And Kate is following him in his footsteps with that, even Charlotte! I love hearing the kids tell each other and to us that we love each other. I love this boy! He loves his tools, trucks and balls but he is SO into superhero stuff right now too. Batman, Spiderman are the top ones but any superhero will do. He’s in preschool, and getting closer and closer to reading. Love the reading program they have there.
Ummmm….trying to think of other things….we are just the same ol’ same ol’ around here. So that’s a little recap. Probably too long and boring but like I said, it’s for my family history!!! ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Surprise :)
Wade and I just found out today we’re expecting a girl for baby #4! I’m due June 4, 2012 and am doing much better than I was in the first trimester. Worst morning sickness EVER. We thought we’d have a lot of fun with announcing this pregnancy and wait until we found out what we were having. I’m 20 weeks today (baby is showing 20 weeks 3 days but that doesn’t change my due date). Baby girl is healthy. I didn’t gain much weight…yet…I know I’m going to plump up and look like a ginormous hippo soon but that’s why it was a bit “easier” to keep it a secret. I’m not gonna lie, my stomach is popping out and I look pregnant I just am still wearing my normal clothes and am wearing bagging jackets to cover things up to help with the secret…which is now not a secret!
Truthfully, I was about to burst into tears hearing it was a girl. Don’t get me wrong, it’s gonna be fun dressing up the baby and making bows again but I was gutted. Girls are so emotional. And Kate’s been a hard little bugga and Charlotte’s a determined, opinionated, bull headed little girl. I’ve got 2 of them with strong will personalities and I was just needing a boy to hopefully mellow things out. I know babies all have different personalities, etc but girls.are.hard. That’s it. Wade’s pretty excited. It’s still just going to be him and Jack. It’s sinking in about having a girl. And honestly, I’m happy. It’ll be good. I just am needing to get over the initial emotional shock right now!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
We redid our downstairs area in a few phases. We always wanted to put in a fireplace but we had to save and save for it. Which helped when the tax refund this past year came in! I like being debit free. We always hated the tile and were so thankful when we put in carpet. Charlotte had a terrible head injury from falling down the stairs and her head stopped her fall on the tile. Seriously people. TILE at the bottom of basement stairs?!
This is what the house looked like when the previous owners lived here.
The reason we finally got onto changing the tile.
The start of the removal of tile. Curses to tile!
This project lead Wade having carbon monoxide poisoning. I had it too but not as bad as Wade.
The dust is settling in the picture too. That’s why it’s cloudy.
It’s ready for carpet and paint.
There’s nothing like the fresh smell of new carpet.
The result! Wade and my dad did a fabulous job! Wade put in all the recessed lighting too!
It’s now all full of books and the fireplace has been making the downstairs so nice and cozy warm!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Charlotte’s Birthday PARTY!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Charlotte’s 6th Birthday
If you didn’t know it was Charlotte’s birthday, I’d be so surprised (but it was October 25th…late post :/ ). I’ve never seen anyone so excited for a birthday! She would keep singing Happy Birthday to ME. Happy birthday to Charlotte! haha. And it would get more and more intense each day it got closer to her birthday. It was a lot of fun.
Charlotte LOVES Minnie Mouse and wanted a Minnie Mouse themed cake and party.
She went to school, which is the best thing ever to her, and I brought cupcakes and apple juice for snack at Sound Beginnings. And then I went back to Kindergarten for the last 15 minutes so we could spotlight her with a VIP poster. And we handed out treats to her classmates too. Then we came home, talked to Ma and Grandpa. Opened her new booster car seat from them. And then all she wanted to do was unwrap presents like crazy. Then we went to the Pizza Pie Café for dinner, off to the Pumpkin Walk (more like pumpkin run. It was freezing) and then home for birthday cake and ice-cream. Then she got to pick out a movie and we had movie-theater and then off to bed. It was a fun, good day. I love you, Charlotte.

The pictures above are just before she opened her present from Ma and Grandpa.
She has desperately wanted a big girl car seat since school started. And she barely makes the requirements (which usually a 3 year old weighs) and I’m a bit nervous but she looks oh so grown up in the car now.
She was so silly opening her presents. haha
Kate playing with Charlotte’s new soccer ball. Which she has wanted since Jack took soccer in September!
Sporting her new pjs.
I had to put this last one in. Notice Jack??? hahaha. SO CUTE!