Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving

I've been horrible at pictures lately and only have one of Thanksgiving eve and Thanksgiving. I've NEVER celebrated anything on Thanksgiving eve before but decided, HEY! If we celebrate Christmas Eve with a family Christmas Eve party then it would be AWESOME to do the same for Thanksgiving EVE! ha ha. Well, it's all about eating a lot of food. So that's what we did. The first of many. And it was YUMMY!

I hate this picture of me. BLAH. But anywho. The food. We had mini homemade quiches, pikelets (mini pancakes, jam and cream on top), club sandwiches, egg rolls with dipping sauces, ambrosia and pomegranate 7up! Seriously, was SO good!

Yep, this was us and just us on Thanksgiving. it was a little different not having family over but we enjoyed it. It was nice to have little pressure on getting stuff done! We enjoyed eating turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, rolls, cooked carrots with butter, and broccoli salad, bubbly and for dessert pumpkin pie and trifle. I wanted a 3 bean salad too but never got a recipe but NEXT year I will have it! yummy! Maybe, i'll have it for Christmas dinner too. YUM.

Wade's trifle. I had some and it was delicious of course! And the pie is always a favorite here too! Apparently Charlotte had TWO pieces at school the few days before. ha ha. My girl!


Crystal said...

yum yum yum. lian can make your christmas bean salad she is good at it.

Wendi said...

That trifle looks amazing. I can't believe we never made your husband make it for the YW.

Eric and Jenny said...

Why do you always have to kill me over with the food you make, it looks and sounds so good, I want some! I am so glad you had a great Thanksgiving one year in KY we just stayed home with our family and I think it was probably my favorite year ever. Your tree looks great, Charlotte's hair is getting so long and Jack looks so big now, maybe it's just cause I know he won't be the baby for much longer. Good luck tommorow, isn't that the day for the ultrasound?

David and Amy said...

I like the looks of Thanksgiving Eve, those little pancake things sound yummy! And that trifle is so beautiful, it looks delicious!

Jen said...

I'm so behind on reading blogs/posting to my blog. All that food looks delicious!!!

Grannie said...

Ellie says this about your thanksgiving day....

looks like you had a good Thanksgiving and a yummy one too.