Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One more thing...Charlotte's going to be a big sister! I'm 11 weeks in two days and can't wait until this morning sickness is over, even though it hasn't been as bad as when I was pregnant with Charlotte. Does that mean it will be a boy? The baby is due July 25th, but we all know that I probably will go over but I'm hoping it's not too long after the due date! Wade's parents are coming up here during that time and it would be nice to have them see the new baby before they go back home to New Zealand! Yep, they finish their mission on July 1st. Amazing how fast time goes by. I was 6 months along with Charlotte when they left for their mission. Man, I'm getting old! I turn 30 in April. I told Wade that I don't want a party. I've been upset about it since I turned 25! ha ha. Anywho, we should find out around the 1st week of March what we're having and we're excited to find out. Any bets on what we'll have? Okay, I hope this update satisfies all of you! I haven't been good lately but I've been feeling sick and the holidays have been crazy, etc. etc. so that's a good reason why I haven't been posting. But anywho, I'll try and be better.
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Crystal said...

I hope the baby comes early so mum and dad can spend some time with the new grandbaby! And then they can come home and see our new bubba! ha ha kidding whatever I'm not pregnant I just like pretending. Although someone at work did ask me if I was, but I've just gotten really fat. Congrats on the baby I hope it is a boy.

Rachel said...


The Chandler Family said...

We are so excited for you guys...if it's a boy, we hope he is not as sneaky and destructive as our little Coler!

Madison Chandler said...

Charlotte is so cute! She's one of my favorite cousins!